Instructions Page Contents
The Keyboard. 1
Keys. 1
Tetris Settings Windows. 1
Display Name. 1
Address. 1
No Server
Sounds. 1
Volume. 1
Input Device. 1
Client Button. 1
Server Bind
Address. 1
Server Tick. 1
Server Width. 1
Height. 1
Server Button. 1
Keys. 1
Close “X”. 1
Firewall 1
Settings Files. 1
Configuration File (Initial Defaults). 1
SpludlowTetris.WindowSize. 1
SpludlowTetris.ClientAddress. 1
SpludlowTetris.BotSpeed. 1
SpludlowTetris.BotFarmCount. 1
SpludlowTetris.InputIndex. 1
These are the Instruction for the Spludlow Tetris Windows
Form .net program.
By default the program will start a server on
(localhost) and then start a client that connects to it. Any further instances
of the program will start a client and connect to
For more
information on running the server please see this page.
The keyword commands are available to the program that has
focus in Windows (you can only control one program on each desktop).
Here are the default keys. You can re-define them using the
F1 settings dialogue.

Up J Drop the current piece immediately.
Moving up in creative mode (0 server tick) up will move the piece up.
Down N Move the current piece down by one
block, if already on the bottom the piece will be placed.
Left S Move current piece left.
Right D Move current piece right.
B1 K Rotate current piece clockwise
B2 L Rotate current piece
counter-clockwise (CCW).
B2 A Select the other player on the
server that you want to target.
NOTE: If running multiple instances on the same desktop
ensure the relevent window has focus.
Click for prinatable A4 PDF.

F1 Settings Show or Hide the
settings window.
F2 Cycle Joystick Cycle through the available
gamepads and joysticks.
F3 Start Bot Farm Start or stop many clients and
run bots on them.
F4 Run Bot Start or stop a bot
running on the current client.
F5 Mute No sounds.
F6 - Volume Sound quieter.
F7 + Volume Sound louder.
F8 Max Volume Sound full blast.
F9 Server Sounds Start or stop server sounds
(common sounds) prevents echo when running multiple programs on same desktop.
F10 Window Size Show the window size, if you
find a size that works you can use it in the configuration file (see below).
F11 Server Start or stop a Server
F12 Client Start or stop a
Press F1 to show or close the settings windows. All settings
except input device and sound related require the client and/or server be
restarted to take effect.

Your name as seen by other players.
The connection details used by the client.
You may use a hostname or an IP address. If the hostname
resolves to multiple IP addresses (you have multiple network adapters) an error
will be displayed, in which case use the IP Address.
You can specify a port number using the “:” character. For
example “localhost:32199” which is the default.
Only IPv4 addresses are supported not IPv6.
When running multiple clients on one desktop you only want
one of the clients playing server (shared) sounds, otherwise you get a nasty
echo. This will turn them off.
By default when the program is ran, if any other instances
are running then this will be turned on (only the first instance will play
server sounds).
How loud sounds are played 0 is off 10 is maximum. Default
is 2.
If you have joysticks or gamepads you can select them here.
When starting the program if joysticks are available the last one will be
The keyboard controls always work whatever is selected here.
Multiple instances of the program can use the same joystick.
Start or stop the client, if you change your display name or
want to connect to another server then stop and start the client.
The address the server will bind to.
When starting a server you may use the “*” character to make
it bind to all available IP addresses. This is your best bet for local network
and internet servers.
You can specify a port number using the “:” character. For
example “localhost:32199” which is the default.
Only IPv4 addresses are supported not IPv6.
When binding to (the default) only local
connections (same computer) are available, no Windows firewall configuration is
required (see below).
The delay in milliseconds that the server moves the current
piece down. Default is 1000 (1 second).
Using a value of 0 will put the server into “creative mode”
this means the current piece will not tick down and you can move pieces up.
The width of the boards in blocks.
The height of the boards in blocks.
Start or stop the server, if you change the servers bind
address or server tick and dimensions then stop and start the server.
Click a key button, the assigned value will go blank then
press the key you require.
Closing will save the settings.
The first time you start the server with anything other than then the Windows Firewall dialogue will appear.

I recommend you just tick all network types. If you want to
change or remove the firewall rule you can do it here:
Control Panel -> Windows Defender
Firewall -> Allowed applications
If you don’t trust giving the whole program network access
you can manually add a port number rule here:
Control Panel -> Windows Defender
Firewall -> Advanced Settings -> Inbound Rules -> New Rule -> Port
-> TCP 32199
NOTE: The first instance of the program only will
automatically start a server.
Settings are persisted in the following directory, you can
copy and paste to get there as AppData is hidden.
If you have problems like the program crashing at start up
then try deleting the files here.
You don’t normally need to bother with them.
Each instance ran on the desktop will have its own file. For
example if you setup 2 players the target server, display name, window size and
position, and input device will already be configured the next time you start 2
The file will remain locked while an instance is running,
this is the mechanism used to determine the correct file (an instance will
count through until it reaches an unlocked file).
You may edit the file directly if you must but be careful as
errors will prevent the program starting. Some settings like BotSpeed and
BotCount can only be changed here.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Keys>J, N, S, D, K, L, A</Keys>
This will only effect the default settings when a settings
file has not been created yet. You don’t normally want to bother with it.
If you have already started an instance once if will have no
Its main use is for setting up demos where you want to start
many instances with a certain default like window size, just to save you the
hassle of resizing them all.
You can edit using notepad this file to perform additional
You need administrator permissions to edit this file,
because it’s in “C:\Program Files”.
One workaround is open the file in notepad, make the
changes, save the program to your desktop, rename the file removing “.txt” off
the end, drag the file from desktop to “C:\Program
Files\SpludlowV1\SpludlowTetris” replacing the old file.
The format is a .net application configuration program. You
make changes by entering values in the value=”” part.
<?xml version="1.0"
encoding="utf-8" ?>
key="SpludlowTetris.WindowSize" value=""/>
key="SpludlowTetris.ClientAddress" value=""/>
key="SpludlowTetris.BotSpeed" value=""/>
key="SpludlowTetris.BotFarmCount" value=""/>
key="SpludlowTetris.InputIndex" value=""/>
Set the window size for example: value=”800, 600”. If you
find a window size that works press F10 to see what it is and use here.
Start a client and connect to this address. If you always
connect to the same server you can set it here.
The delay between each move bots make in milliseconds.
Default is 250 (quarter second). Too small a value and the bots will struggle
as try to make the next move before they have got the board back from the
When pressing F3 to start a bot farm the default is 2 bots
only. If you want more then set it here. Running large numbers of bots is
useful for stress testing the server.
Specify the default input device 0 is keyboard, -1 is last
device, 1 is first gamepad/joystick, and 2 is second and so on. Only really
good for setting up a demo where all clients use the same joystick.